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Slippers made from dead animals animals

Generally the women typically race to buy slippers or shoes that make her legs felt comfortable and pretty when worn.

However this sandal's creation of the Iris Schieferstein unlike the ladies think. Sandals slippers results of creation and the design is partly made from animals that have died as decorated. This Sandal is created for women who intend to dress extreme like Lady Gaga. Lady gaga never even dressed up with Bacon dependent.

Some famous Iris design is a stylish sandal pigeons being opened its wings and also his heels Sandals made from horse's hoof.

Iris is a woman whose profession as designers sandal from Germany, he collected objects of objects for the didesainnya of butchers, butchers, for example snakes, usually butchers throw snake skin, but Iris picked it up and he though and he awetkan.

Iris said "I love horses, sandals and shoes, so I think my design is perfect, the horse when running it looks beautiful in my eyes, so I tried to create footwear shapes such as the horse's legs on my toes"

Shoe and sandal design this Iris it costs pretty expensive, but could only be worn for a few hours, usually after, boots and sandals that are uncomfortable when worn.

Iris also said "until now there has been no company that want to create like this"

Source: Dailymail

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