hunt hunt


How to distinguish between hamsters and mice

many who haven't learned the difference of hamster and mouse, so that many in the market and traders selling five feet is actually a mouse.

Please note that the white color on the fur and skin does not mean it is a hamster. White rat also has a color and skin like that.

Let's distinguish rats and hamsters.

General characteristics: characteristics of rat
-More active moves (lots of Energy)
-The tail is longer
-His body is longer
-Non-territorial, meaning rat able and willing to share his territory so infrequent fights when placed one enclosure

Common traits: hamster
-Not active moves (Slacker)
-The tail is shorter
-His body is smaller and shorter
-Territorial, i.e. hamsters do not like sharing the area with hamster or other animals, so it is often the case when it is placed in one fight cage.

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